The Madison, Firehole and a section of the Gibbon rivers are restricted to fly fishing only.Īnglers visiting the park to fish will encounter westslope cutthroat, Yellowstone cutthroat, rainbow, brown, brook and lake trout, mountain whitefish and Arctic grayling. With the exception of one specially designated drainage, all the park's waters are restricted to artificial lures and fly fishing. Additionally, the park's remote sections provide anglers ample opportunity to visit rivers, streams, creeks and lakes that receive little angling pressure. There are 45 fishable lakes and several large lakes are easily accessible to visitors.

The park contains hundreds of miles of accessible, high-quality trout rivers containing wild trout populations-over 200 creeks, streams and rivers are fishable. In 2006, over 50,000 park fishing permits were issued to visitors.

Angling in Yellowstone National Park is a major reason many visitors come to the park each year and since it was created in 1872, the park has drawn anglers from around the world to fish its waters.